Thursday, June 2, 2011 my poop!!!

Like always...i regularly check my spam folder to see if any email that has been mistreated as junk. Since last week twice i received an email invitation to join a social website i presume at that time that goes.."ehem2 wants to be your friend". on mouse-over on the accept link i can see that it leads to an address so happens to be that the one who sent me the invitation was an old crush that had already been married to another guy...yikesss!!

Being a cool and broad minded dude (yucckhhh!!!) i didn't impetuously accept the invitation. Like wolverine always said to me.."the nose knows, tough guy". So i googled and found that it is confirmed by McAfee for not containing any trojans or whatsover but it does send out invitation to everybody in your contact list without you knowing it...making it something that you'd like to avoid putting your foot into..which is annoying or misleading all the people in the list.
So, the moral of the story have to be careful and skeptic when receiving emails like this, even if it appears to come directly from somebody you know. And also, don't flatter yourself thinking that everybody wants to be connected to haven't received any invitations from me right...or have you??
Till then.

Take your pick

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