Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Pursuit Of Greatness

The pursuit of greatness..Is it from inspiration, is it envy or is it greed that leads us to the temptation of being superior, iconic or even legendary? Is it possible that our deeds and virtues would be told and sung by like the legends of old? Is it still possible in today's world locomotion where everything has to be quick thus bound to be meaningless?

Today it's easier being inspired by a movie character than a real life figure. The kindle is usually something that moves you on the inside. It's like what it feels after watching Forrest in Forrest Gump, Archilles in Troy, or William Wallace in Braveheart. You can hear the screaming urge of your inner self struggling, trying to break free..maybe something like the Hulk inside Bruce Banner or Eddie Brock and his alien symbiote in Spiderman.

If the urge is strong, it will stay for a week or two, influencing your thoughts and acts and after a while it withers until you become you again. Then I begin to wonder if I myself could be something that of what makes them special. There's no war here like in Tolkien's Middle Earth to become a legendary warrior..of course I am no king to rule a land of miracles. Our world now lacks of giving the opportunity for us to appreciate and indulge into something that we admire and passionate about. It's all about the end result and never about the journey. Time is inexpendable.

William Wallace: Yes, I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds. And if HE were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his arse.

But then they say that great people does not need opportunity. They stand out from people..they push through the barriers and create what they have designed for themselves. That is their quality.

Every man dies, not every man really lives

Those who inspire people become what they they not by chance nor by fate alone. It's because of who they are what they're made of..and of course from that comes the deeds that follow. Then I started thinking that not everybody have the capacity to become great. Something of that magnitude would usually need a lifelong dedication and sacrifice to be achieved, which comes naturally to the special ones.Well maybe I should just settle for mediocrity..heheh..

Monday, December 19, 2011

My dead babies!!

Baru minggu lepas ikan aku yang comel, Shin Chan (sblm ini dikenali sbg Nagano) mati..semalam Shiro (Makoto) yang cantik pulak poor babies..Minggu lepas Shin Chan mati lemas pasal filter tersumbat. Shiro lak tiba2 je mati. Mungkin sedih Shin Chan dah mati kot.

So far diaorg berdua ni la ikan yang paling lame aku pernah bela sejak kecil. Dari aku duduk di rumah Tmn Meru sampai la aku berpindah kerja di KL..aku rase dkt setahun stengah kot. Dari kecik kurus sampai la cute dan debab macam mummy diaorg..hehe. Dulu kecik2 mak aku belikan aku ikan emas paling lame 2 hari je tahan pasal bela dalam balang plastik yang takde pam oksigen. Yang idup lame skit pun ikan guppy kecik tu je..tak payah pam pun.
Dua ekor ikan emas aku ni ikan emas paling cantik aku pernah jumpe. First time aku nampak kat kedai aquarium kat Greentown Mall Ipoh terus aku beli walaupun harga agak mahal (banding dengan ikan2 lain aku pernah beli)..RM10 sekor..dan yang paling besar pun.
Tergelak juge mikir time aku bawak balik diaorg dalam baldi time cuti raye aritu.kelakar tul. Siap ade adegan paramedik lari naik ke rumah pasal ikan dah nak pewai lame dok dalam baldi naik kete dari Ipoh ke KL.
Tak tau la nak bela ikan lagi ke tak. Rase macam kesian pun ade. Nanti mati lagi pulak kang. Ape2 pun..farewell my little dumplings. Hope you're happy there in fish heaven..

Friday, November 18, 2011

Back From Mecca

Almost two weeks has passed since Eidul Adha and still I've not left Mecca yet...since I've never been there...hehehe. It' been a long time since i wrote anything and when i feel like writing again, all those ideas that came before simply!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Whitesnake in Kuala Lumpur!! (review)

Whitesnake rulesss!!!Definitely worth going..walaupun pegi sorang2 je, I enjoyed every bit of it. Walaupun mamat David Coverdale ni tau cakap "Apa khabar?" dan "Terima kasih" je..itu pun dok ulang dkt 10 kali..yg penting suara dia mmg power. Masih boleh tarik high pitch..takde ngelat2 nyer..padahal umur dah 60 dah kot..rilek jer.

Aku sampai kat Stadium Putra, Bukit Jalil ngam2 kul 8.30mlm..boleh tahan gak susah nak cari parking. Tapi org nampak mcm x ramai sgt..maybe ramai belum sampai kot. Semua dok berkumpul depan entrance. Dari luar takde dgr bunyi ape2..lambat lagi la kot nak start. Sampai2 jer ramai kutu dok promote t-shirt concert (bkn ori)..byk lak tu designnye..mcm x best dari takde langsung..sambak jugak la satu buat kenangan.

Seperti dijangkakan crowdnya kebanyakannye mmg dah seasoned2 orgnye. Ramai yg aku slambe boleh pgl pakcik jer (konon2 aku mude sgt la..). Surprisingly, ramai juga kaum sanak famili yg datang sekeluarga nak tgk concert ni..mostly Chinese and Indian...makes me wonder betul ke concert Whitesnake Lee Chong Wei ada main kat stadium malam tu..??

Dalam lebih kurang 9.15 macam tu..Coverdale and the gang pun naik stage..lambat skit..mgkn diaorg blow rambut diaorg dulu bagi nampak lebih rock..and truly mmg rock abisss!!! Performance-wise mmg diaorg superb..dari teknik kangkangan para guitarists dan ulitan drumstick oleh drummer serta permainan mike stand berbaur lucah oleh Coverdale menggamatkan lagi suasana. Which reminds everybody that Whitesnake is hard rocking band and this is a rock concert!!Yowwwwhhhhhhh!!! 

Kelakar jugak aku tgk deme yg dtg ngan family tu terkebil-kebil tgk Whitesnake terkinja-kinja atas pentas tu. Kali ni aku ambik port tepi stage lak..sesedap kepala nak meneleng..asalkan x sejauh tier yg mengadap straight ke pentas. Walaupun x sehappening free standing punyer geng..jadilah asalkan tiket murah.hehe..

Aku x ingat sgt susunan lagu yg diaorg aku hentam je la..bkn kome tau pun. Antara lagu yg diaorg main banyak juga yang klasik seperti Fool For Your Lovin, Love Ain't No Stranger diselangi dengan lagu dari album baru diaorg Forevermore. Tak ketinggalan balad2 klasik diaorg seperti Is This Love, Here I Go Again dan balad terbaru diaorg Forevermore yg terase semakin best bile dgr live. Lagu ni suara abg Dave mmg sebijik mcm dalam recording psl dia x payah nak compete dgn music yg kuat bile intro dgn gitar acoustic je. Terus rase mcm nak cari je guitar tab lagu ni balik nanti..

Dah ujung2 lak tibe2 abg Dave nyanyi lagu Soldier of Fortune tanpa music dengan suara klasik dia tu. Haha..mase tu semangat keungguan Deep Purple mula menyala di kalangan penonton.hehe..Sape tak tau lagu S.o.F tu..mak aku pun tau.semua pun pakat nyanyi la sekuat hati. Habis je lagu S.o.F stadium terus membakar dengan lagu Burn juga dari Deep Purple, semua crowd pun membuat gaya tangan Usop Wilcha sambil jerit "kite bakor je" dan aku pun gelak sakan psl aku menipu jer kome ni.keh3.dicelum-celamkan secara medley dengan lagu Strombringer..lagila crowd menggila..

Tup tup dah abis rupanye..x bagi signal pun deme ni.Walaupun ade crowd chanting "We want more" diaorg buat bidon je tapi takpe la. Memang puas hati dapat tgk Whitesnake..Live in Kuala Lumpur!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Joker's Killing Jokes

It is very rare that a character in one single movie comes up with so many quotes from its peculiar perception of the world that' ll mess up your brains. Heath Ledger's Joker in the movie Dark Knight is one I know of. It has made to my most interesting characters in movies list.. which I've been thinking of writing for a while now. 

As I was surfing the net looking for them I found this on

Jack Nicholson, who played the Joker in 1989 - and who was furious he wasn't consulted about the creepy role - offered a cryptic comment when told Ledger was dead.
"Well," Nicholson told reporters in London early Wednesday, "I warned him."

Ledger recently told reporters he "slept an average of two hours a night" while playing "a psychopathic, mass-murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy ...
"I couldn't stop thinking. My body was exhausted, and my mind was still going."
Prescription drugs didn't help, he said.

Creepy ain't it? Note that Ledger died from consumption of a combination of prescription drugs.

Just as I expected the Joker's quotes are posted all over the internet so I don't need to stop and rewind throughout the movie to write back what the Joker said. There are a lot them and some even quoted every single word, but these are my personal favourites.

I believe whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you… stranger

Introduce a little anarchy, you upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I am an agent of chaos. And you know the thing about chaos, Harvey? It’s fair.

I’m like a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught one…I’d just do things.

See, their morals, their code: it’s a bad joke. They’re dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the world allows them to be. You’ll see, when the chips are down these civilized people will eat each other.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Alalala Tuk Jgn Saman

Skrg semua main saman je skrg. Facebook kene saman. Apple saman Samsung. Samsung saman Apple. Hari ni lak aku terbaca Reebok lak kene saman dengan Federal Trade Commission psl Reebok claim dalam iklan kasut Easytone diaorg boleh men'shape'kan body gerangan siapa yang memakainya. Tp Reebok tetap claim yang diaorg tak tipu walaupun diaorg kalah saman tu. Lgpun diaorg kate kene saman $25 juta je..kitorg dah untung $340 juta..lek ahh. eh siot jer diaorg ni.  

**Iklan2 sabun dan syampoo kat Malaysia ni pun yang digambarkan seolah-olah memberi pengalaman yg orgasmik patut kene saman jugak. haru betui..keh3

Are We Human Enough?

It was simply bizarre to see how sick the society has been. My heart almost stopped when I watched the CCTV recording of a 2-year-old toddler in China who was ran over on the street twice just because nobody even cared to stop by and help. The poor girl named Yueyue eventually was picked up by a seem-to-be trash collector who if so she is one, is denied wealth but not moral values like all of the passers by who ignored the little child. I hope they all burn in Hell.

This is how low our society had degraded. We have become too screwed to justify the right thing to do when we find ourselves in situations where anything of our importance is at stake. I cannot imagine what people would do if not for fear of being caught..what would become of our world. I believe that people generally are only as good as the law demands them to be. Something like the Joker said in the Batman movie. I'm sure we all made him proud.

I can't understand how inhumane the laws of the country that bans its citizen from helping accident victims. It's like they are being robbed of their human rights. Other than that, the one child per family law is at the worst place it could be implemented since the Chinese rank the importance of family name and heritage highly, demeaning one's daughter to become unwanted. 

It is said that the girl had already died after being hospitalized. Her death may be grieved by many but perhaps she is better off than living in this cruel world.

Monday, October 17, 2011

PC Addictometer!!!

How to know if you're addicted to PC..

You’ve been spending too much time in front of your PC when…
1. You never leave home without a pendrive, even when you’re out to get some roti canai
2. You watch TV at your PC
3. You forgot how to operate your cd player cause the buttons are not the same as in Winamp
4. You’re seeing ones and zeroes running around your screen
5. You wish for a PC in heaven
6. You sleep with your PC on so that you could continue after you get up
7. You have to set your screensaver to 5 seconds to eventually see it pop up
8. You try to connect every electronic equipments in your house to your PC (PS: a toaster is going too far)
9. You know your cyber friends better than your real friends
10. You finish a PC game campaign in less than 3 days and you would be looking for a new one the next day

**wrote this a few years back in my friendster blog

Friday, October 14, 2011


"Amboi..rajinnye wat keje"
"Amboi sibuknye dia"
"Tak gi makan ke?"

Mende diaorg ni..bkn main awal kuar. siap ajak makan lg...belum lg kul 1..12.30 pun belum lg. tau la makanan kat kantin baru ni cepat je abih. xkan la 12.30 dah kuar kot. jam aku rosak ke..jam dinding, jam tangan, jam kat pc..sampai hp aku pun aku bw kuar nak tgk kul brape. semua same je timenye.

aku tanya kat En Ali yg selalu sibuk x abih2 buat keje kdg2 sampai x makan pun..

"Mane semua org En Ali? cepat tul kuarnye..saya ingat jam saya rosak td"

 En Ali pun sambil2 tgh buat keje..dalam keadaan yang agak konfius senapas je jawab..."Jumaat.."

Memandangkan En Ali rilek je..x gelak pun..aku pun maintain je muka serius mcm xde ape2....duduk balik kat meja...hehe..tgu azan je la nmpk gayanye aku ni..

Thursday, October 13, 2011

HUDUDULLAH...I beg to differ

Tengah kita sibuk mendengar pertelingkahan yang tak sudah2 antara kerajaan dan pembangkang..yang duduk di kerusi Parlimen mahupun yang duduk di mane2 kerusi yang boleh melepak dengan kawan2 sambil minum teh tarik...masing2 mempunyai pendapat sendiri mengenai perlaksanaan hukum hudud tiba2 out of the blue, pada 11 Okt, Sultan Brunei telah menitahkan untuk menggunakan undang2 Islam sebagai judiciary utama bagi negara tersebut, bersama-sama dengan akta yang sedia ada sekiranya tidak bercanggah dengan undang2 Islam. pehh..tercabar sungguh aku sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang serba liberal ni!

"..Hopefully, by doing this Allah (SWT) will spare us from his punishment/torment for not implementing the law." - his majesty Sultan Brunei baca..

Aku pun bukanlah tau pun psl bab hukum2 ni..kalo tanya aku ape hukuman utk org main judi pun aku x tau kalo mengikut hukum Islam. mgkn kerana aku seorang yang agak bendol, dpd zaman sekolah dulu aku percaya dengan keperluan untuk melaksanakannya. tambah2 lak mase zaman Form 1-2 dulu kecoh pasal isu2 murtad dan secara tidak langsung membangkitkan isu perlembagaan Malaysia yang bersifat sekular atas sebab kemarahan umat Islam ke atas ketidakupayaan undang2 negara untuk membendung isu murtad di negara kita. 

Zaman2 tu femes la kaset2 ceramah..antaranya peguam Zulkifli Nordin yang sekarangnya menjadi Ahli Parlimen Kulim, Bandar Baharu, yg dulunya agak radikal, menceritakan secara detail mengenai perlembagaan negara dan tuntutan untuk menghukum dengan hukum Allah didalilkan dengan ayat2 Al-Quran dari berbagai surah di dalamnya. 

Al Maaidah ayat 44:
Dan barangsiapa yang tidak menghukum menurut apa yang diturunkan Allah, maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang kafir

Al Maaidah ayat 45:
Dan barangsiapa yang tidak menghukum menurut apa yang diturunkan Allah, maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang zalim.

Al Maaidah ayat 47:
Dan barangsiapa yang tidak menghukum menurut apa yang diturunkan Allah, maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang fasik

asbab nuzul ayat ini berkenaan Bani Israel di Madinah (bani Nadzir dan bani Quraidzah) yang datang meminta penghakiman dari RasuluLlah saw dan bila Nabi saw memberi hukuman dari Kitab ALlah, tapi mereka menolaknya. Walaupun ia ditujukan kepada Yahudi, namun pengajarannya juga terkena secara umum kepada umat Islam. (sumber

Tak semestinya kita perlu faham sesuatu perkara itu sebelum kita menurutinya. spt peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj, sahabat2 Rasulullah mgkn x tergambar bagaimana Rasulullah dibedah hati/jantungnya hidup2 (ni kurun ke-7 Masihi ye tuan2), diterbangkan oleh makhluk Buraq ke Masjidil Aqsa dan tmpt2 lain dalam satu diaorg percaya je walaupun ramai yang mengejek dan menentang. bagi aku itulah yang dinamakan faith. kita pula yg hidup ratusan seribu tahun lebih selepas Rasulullah boleh percaya pulak ye? kenape?..adakah kita terlalu malas utk memikirkannya lalu menganggap peristiwa tsbt hanya spt cerita yang kita baca dari sebuah novel? atau adakah hanya kerana ianya suatu popular belief yg sudah established?

Andai kata kita percaya kepada peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj, ape sangatlah kalo nak percaya bahawa hududullah adalah yang terbaik utk kita? 'Percaya' adalah perkara yang paling kita patut beratkan skrg ni. Api sekecik cabai menggelupor kita nak mengelak dari terkena..namun dalam masa yang sama kita menempah neraka Allah dengan maksiat yang kita lakukan. Ishh..bile la aku nak taubat ni..

Alasan yang aku paling x boleh terima skali adalah perbezaan mase dulu dan skrg. yang berubah adalah manusia..Al-Quran ade kuar version baru ke? adakah kamu fikir Allah tidak memikirkan bagaimana keadaan kita di akhir zaman semasa menurunkan wahyu Al-Quran kepada Rasulullah? adakah kamu fikirkan jiwa kamu lebih murni dari Rasulullah sedangkan baginda tidak berhati perut sanggup menghukum kaumnya dengan hukum hudud yang konon2nya kejam itu? bagaimana pula dengan hukuman di akhirat nanti? nak kate kejam juga?

The monarch explained that Brunei has been implementing the Islamic Law since the 17th century, but with the intervention of foreign powers, Brunei had to or was rather forced to abandon it.

Mungkin ada yang mengatakan bahawa Brunei merupakan negara monarki, berbeza dengan negara kita yang mengamalkan demokrasi berparlimen (lihat perbezaan), Brunei hanya negara kecil, dsb. aku sendiri pun x pasti samada Malaysia mampu menegakkan undang2 Islam dengan keadaannye skrg..rasenye mmg x mampu pun..mungkin sesuatu perlu diubah? tak kiralah apa pun pandangan politik kita.. tapi jika ditanya mengenai perlaksanaan undang2 Islam di negara kita katakanlah InsyaAllah sekurang2nya.jgnlah dicela suatu perkara yang disampaikan di dalam Al-Quran. Ia bukanlah sesuatu yang diperkenal oleh mane2 parti politik negara kita. I fear for all of us because I simply care.

Ape pun, aku sanjung kepada pemikiran Sultan Brunei yang tak takut digelar kolot, kejam ataupun ape2 label lg yang dunia akan beri, demi melaksanakan tanggungjawab baginda yang amat besar sebagai pemerintah negara. Semoga berjaya dalam menuju ke jalan yang benar seterusnya menjadi teladan kpd umat2 lain.

Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a. berkata: Bersabda Rasulullah Salawatu Alai Wasalam, "Islam mula tersebar dalam keadaan dagang (asing). Dan ia akan kembali asing pula. Maka beruntunglah orang orang yang asing".

H.R. Muslim

Monday, October 10, 2011

Awek Gelek Gerudi

Arah manakah awek ballerina ni berpusing? arah jam atau lawan arah jam?


Spinning lady

Kalau korang nmpk arah jam, kome banyak pakai otak kanan...vice versa. Penerangan cilok dr Herald Sun. 


uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

First time aku tgk mmg confirm ikut arah jam. mustahil sebaliknya. no way! tp bile lepas baca2 penerangan pasal otak kiri otak kanan betul ke aku ni otak kanan? biar betul. aku bkn otak kiri ke? maths aku dpt 1 pe..aku sukakan logik dan fakta..aku boleh membangkang perkara yg aku paling suke dalam dunia ni......aku x suka sastera..walaupun aku agak suke sejarah..ape aku perlu buat ni..hehe..lebih2 pulak drama.

Tak boleh jadi ni. aku mesti buat sesuatu. aku usha lg awek ni..oooooooooo..awek ni bogel rupanya...(tau cemane aku leh tau kan??tgk je gambor tu lelame..tau le...hehe). renung punye renung..kedip2 mate skit baru la awek tu pusing kot lawan jam pulak. kedip2 lg skali ikut arah jam balik..begitulah prosesnya untuk beberapa kali selepasnya sampai aku jd expert lak.

Secara amnya, ilusi optik silhoutte ni ditolak sebagai personality test, tp masih ade yg berpendapat ia menentukan kecenderungan penggunaan hemisfera otak yang berasingan untuk sesuatu aktiviti. mgkn ia bergantung kepada bagaimana seseorang itu mengincorporate penggunaan kedua-dua hemisfera otaknya. dan bak kate bini aku, pengaruh nature dan nurture kedua-duanya turut memainkan peranan..hehe..

 Try le..



Sunday, October 9, 2011

Whitesnake in Kuala Lumpur!!

Boy oh of my favourite rock band is coming to Malaysia to visit me..yes me!!..not!! Well they are coming for a tour in Kuala Lumpur though. I'm not going to copy-paste any review from the internet about this band. I'd like to tell it in my own personal way..about what Whitesnake meant to me.

To tell you the truth, i can't say that I own every single album of Whitesnake. In fact, I don't own any! My big brother had one cassette..yes a cassette..we're not rich enough to own a CD player at that time which was outrageously expensive and not to mention about the price of one disc album which if I'm not mistaken about RM70 compared to a RM10 cassette. This was in the early 90's which apparently to be 20 years ago..and not just like a few years ago as I often imagined.

My wife always scold me for relating things with what they were in the 80's and 90's which she thinks irrational..well excuse me for living on the past. In the past, everything seems to matter more. Now everything is on the fast pace and seem to fly by so quickly hence making it much less appreciable. If you don't have a Friendster today then it's okay because MySpace and Facebook will come out before you know it. It's just like that.

Anyway..back to Whitesnake..they always have spot in my list of having really great songs which I would always play once in a while between a rotation of many many songs I've listened over the years. Not to mention the annoying syok sendiri singing around the house anytime I'm feeling like sliding it in (referring to Whitesnake song). And David Coverdale's singing is absolutely golden..making a lot of beautiful songs legendary. Songs like Here I Go Again, Is This Love and Looking For Love are some of the best rock ballads ever and the heavier ones like Children Of The Night,  Crying In The Rain and Slide It In are no less of a good song.

Coverdale had his magic not only while he was in Whitesnake but since he was in Deep Purple replacing the spot of Ian Gillan conveying songs like Burn, the bluesy Mistreated and the-ballad-everybody-know, Soldier Of Fortune.

Got the tickets already earlier this week from Victoria Music Store, Amcorp Mall PJ (grinning).

..and by the way this curly red spell-check line is bugging me to spell in American..wth..we're commonwealth!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Apa nih??!!!

Aku x tau nak komen ape..

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Email Security Tips

I'm no expert in internet security but there's a couple of tips that I can share :

Website registration / subscription
Do not register / subscribe to any website using your email address together with its own password.
Use any other password because there is never a need for any website to use your email address with its password. Those websites that require your email password is very likely to have inappropriate intentions towards your email. Possible risk is your email address could be used to spam all the addresses in your contact list and probably there are others as well. It's not worth the back off from subscribing to such websites. However, there are cases where you have to log in to other third party websites for example when sharing a website through Facebook where you have to log in first through a box with a secured (https) address; or logging in to a Google ID to comment on a web blog.

Use separate accounts
Do not use your office email or any email containing confidential data to goof around in the net like downloading and subscribing to potentially malicious or demeaning websites. Use a separate account in stead. Saves you the danger, reputation and conscience.

That's all I could think of right now. More tips when anything comes up in mind.

Translation by Google Translate (muahahaha..pande2 le kome) :

Saya tidak pakar dalam keselamatan internet tetapi terdapat beberapa tips yang saya boleh berkongsi:

Pendaftaran laman web / langganan
Jangan mendaftar / melanggan mana-mana laman web menggunakan alamat e-mel anda bersama-sama dengan kata laluan sendiri. Apa-apa penggunaan kata laluan yang lain kerana tidak pernah ada keperluan untuk laman web mana-mana menggunakan alamat e-mel anda dengan kata laluan. Laman-laman web yang memerlukan kata laluan e-mel anda sangat mungkin mempunyai niat yang tidak sesuai ke arah e-mel anda. Risiko yang mungkin adalah alamat e-mel anda dapat digunakan untuk spam semua alamat dalam senarai kenalan anda dan mungkin ada orang lain juga. Ia tidak berbaloi risiko .. supaya berundur daripada melanggan laman-laman web tersebut. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat kes-kes di mana anda perlu untuk log masuk ke laman web pihak ketiga yang lain contohnya apabila berkongsi laman web melalui Facebook di mana anda perlu log masuk pertama melalui kotak dengan alamat bercagar (https); atau log in ke ID Google comment pada blog web.

Gunakan akaun berasingan
Jangan gunakan e-mel pejabat anda atau mana-mana e-mel yang mengandungi data sulit untuk orang bodoh di dalam bersih seperti memuat turun dan melanggan kepada laman-laman web yang berpotensi berniat jahat atau merendahkan martabat. Guna akaun yang berasingan bagi pihak. Menjimatkan bahaya, reputasi dan perasaan hati.

Itu semua saya boleh berfikir sekarang. More tips apabila apa-apa jua yang datang dalam fikiran.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Restoran baru punyer!!!

Ah Kang : Weh know ah..over there got new restaurant..special very delicious one!!
Mael : Sedap ka? got halal one or not?
Ah Kang : Haiyaa...don't worry malay working there oso..
Mael : Ok blanja ah..
Ah Kang : No problem!!kawan punya pasai!!

As they arrive in front of the restaurant minutes later...

Mael : Weh Ah mau kena ka?you cakap halal punya
Ah Kang : Ya laaaa....watsemete?
Mael : Then..kenapa ada kasi babi free sama orang???
Ah Kang : Haiya...ini orang 'pork free' pun tatau..

Friday, September 30, 2011

Go For Gold!!!

People have always invested in gold but most of them are naive. They invest in jeweleries and lets their wives wear them. The recent fever of investing in gold bars and dinars is simply because it's becoming too hard to talk their wives into selling them back. It was like investing your money into a black hole!!!  The only way their investments reach maturity is when their wives are dead and they have no daughters. Now we have the solution everyone's been waiting for. I say go for gold bars, gentlemen!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hier Klicken!

Hier Klicken is in German and it means 'click here' in English. It's pretty f***ing obvious by the pronunciation no? Thought I only know how to curse and swear in German didn't you..hah?? So don't get me started now. Well you guys are bloody hell wondering what am I trying to tell you ain't it? Enuff all the English crap already.
You see..back in the year 2007, when i wasn't so bright about blogging..hell had it yet existed at that time I'm not sure...well I like any normal rocker with savvy IT skills went looking for lyrics for a Russian rock band named Gorky Park. I looked and I looked and I looked and it is nowhere to be found. After days and days of looking and hair pulling at last I had proven myself to be masterful at the art of surfing the net and gloriously celebrated the find.
It was though outrageously hard to find that I had to subcribe to a German website (ironically) named Valuemail  to get them lyrics you see.. and the only thing in English in the website was it's domain name!! It wasn't easy i tell takes a lot of swearing in several languages to finally able to subscribe to the website in order to get the lyrics..and that's where my German lesson began.

From that moment on I am eternally stuck to receiving their newsletter promoting ads of travels and cars and others which i don't f***ing understand what their saying. All they send me was all Freunden Ziegen...Freunden Ziegen..but thanks to the magical Google Translate I found out what it meant eventually which is 'Show Friends'. Besides all the bollocks that I have to read every now and then, thank you to my unwittingly curious kind habit of opening every mail in my inbox..some good came out of it when they sent me a picture that I'm happy to say to be the envy of every other people.hehe..recognise it??

Now that I am more German literate than ever..I hope that one day I'll be free of this German invasion on my email inbox. Well that's the end of the story. I'll be off to bed now. Cheerio

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