Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Pursuit Of Greatness

The pursuit of greatness..Is it from inspiration, is it envy or is it greed that leads us to the temptation of being superior, iconic or even legendary? Is it possible that our deeds and virtues would be told and sung by like the legends of old? Is it still possible in today's world locomotion where everything has to be quick thus bound to be meaningless?

Today it's easier being inspired by a movie character than a real life figure. The kindle is usually something that moves you on the inside. It's like what it feels after watching Forrest in Forrest Gump, Archilles in Troy, or William Wallace in Braveheart. You can hear the screaming urge of your inner self struggling, trying to break free..maybe something like the Hulk inside Bruce Banner or Eddie Brock and his alien symbiote in Spiderman.

If the urge is strong, it will stay for a week or two, influencing your thoughts and acts and after a while it withers until you become you again. Then I begin to wonder if I myself could be something that of what makes them special. There's no war here like in Tolkien's Middle Earth to become a legendary warrior..of course I am no king to rule a land of miracles. Our world now lacks of giving the opportunity for us to appreciate and indulge into something that we admire and passionate about. It's all about the end result and never about the journey. Time is inexpendable.

William Wallace: Yes, I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds. And if HE were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his arse.

But then they say that great people does not need opportunity. They stand out from people..they push through the barriers and create what they have designed for themselves. That is their quality.

Every man dies, not every man really lives

Those who inspire people become what they they not by chance nor by fate alone. It's because of who they are what they're made of..and of course from that comes the deeds that follow. Then I started thinking that not everybody have the capacity to become great. Something of that magnitude would usually need a lifelong dedication and sacrifice to be achieved, which comes naturally to the special ones.Well maybe I should just settle for mediocrity..heheh..

Monday, December 19, 2011

My dead babies!!

Baru minggu lepas ikan aku yang comel, Shin Chan (sblm ini dikenali sbg Nagano) mati..semalam Shiro (Makoto) yang cantik pulak poor babies..Minggu lepas Shin Chan mati lemas pasal filter tersumbat. Shiro lak tiba2 je mati. Mungkin sedih Shin Chan dah mati kot.

So far diaorg berdua ni la ikan yang paling lame aku pernah bela sejak kecil. Dari aku duduk di rumah Tmn Meru sampai la aku berpindah kerja di KL..aku rase dkt setahun stengah kot. Dari kecik kurus sampai la cute dan debab macam mummy diaorg..hehe. Dulu kecik2 mak aku belikan aku ikan emas paling lame 2 hari je tahan pasal bela dalam balang plastik yang takde pam oksigen. Yang idup lame skit pun ikan guppy kecik tu je..tak payah pam pun.
Dua ekor ikan emas aku ni ikan emas paling cantik aku pernah jumpe. First time aku nampak kat kedai aquarium kat Greentown Mall Ipoh terus aku beli walaupun harga agak mahal (banding dengan ikan2 lain aku pernah beli)..RM10 sekor..dan yang paling besar pun.
Tergelak juge mikir time aku bawak balik diaorg dalam baldi time cuti raye aritu.kelakar tul. Siap ade adegan paramedik lari naik ke rumah pasal ikan dah nak pewai lame dok dalam baldi naik kete dari Ipoh ke KL.
Tak tau la nak bela ikan lagi ke tak. Rase macam kesian pun ade. Nanti mati lagi pulak kang. Ape2 pun..farewell my little dumplings. Hope you're happy there in fish heaven..

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