About This Blog

1. What is this blog about?
It's about almost everything..anything that crosses my mind..opinion, facts, incidents etc. Other than that are just a matter of having a little bit of fun once in a while..perhaps jokes or anything.
2. Why am I writing this blog?
I write about things that I think worth mentioning, things I treasure and want to remember and share with anybody who's interested be it one single person. It is somewhat a form of releasing my inner self and gaining the spirit of freedom.
3.Why a blog?
I like to appreciate the things that I express even though it may be worthless to everybody else, hence keeping them in this blog is like stashing my personal treasures to keep it safe, compared to writing in Facebook for instance, it slips quickly pass our attention making it seem like a newspaper which would become worthless the day after, fit only to be used to bungkus nasi lemak.

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