Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Are We Human Enough?

It was simply bizarre to see how sick the society has been. My heart almost stopped when I watched the CCTV recording of a 2-year-old toddler in China who was ran over on the street twice just because nobody even cared to stop by and help. The poor girl named Yueyue eventually was picked up by a seem-to-be trash collector who if so she is one, is denied wealth but not moral values like all of the passers by who ignored the little child. I hope they all burn in Hell.

This is how low our society had degraded. We have become too screwed to justify the right thing to do when we find ourselves in situations where anything of our importance is at stake. I cannot imagine what people would do if not for fear of being caught..what would become of our world. I believe that people generally are only as good as the law demands them to be. Something like the Joker said in the Batman movie. I'm sure we all made him proud.

I can't understand how inhumane the laws of the country that bans its citizen from helping accident victims. It's like they are being robbed of their human rights. Other than that, the one child per family law is at the worst place it could be implemented since the Chinese rank the importance of family name and heritage highly, demeaning one's daughter to become unwanted. 

It is said that the girl had already died after being hospitalized. Her death may be grieved by many but perhaps she is better off than living in this cruel world.

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